
16 Вересня, 2018Karol Wojtyła

With this feature you can easily create a test and share it with your teachers and students. If you use the registration module, you can attach the test as a placement test on the registration form. The test can consist of a variety of questions – single choice, multiple choice, gap fill, predefined responses, and may include open questions and you can even insert a YouTube video.

How to create a test:

  1. Click on Study Drive.
  2. Click on Test.
  3. Click on Add test.

how to create a test

Basic Information:

After clicking “Add test” the following will appear. On the Basic Information card give the test a name and click Save & Close.

add test basic information

Additional Information:

On the Additional Information card you will need to select:

  1. The language for which the test is for.
  2. The level of the test.
  3. Select a label or name for the test. These are created in Study Drive here.
  4. Set how long the student has to complete the test.
  5. Select what keyboard language is to be used. If your test is in a language that has accents, umlauts etc., this is important.
  6. Click green to allow the ability to solve the test multiple times.
  7. Enter the return page the test taker will be sent to after completing the test. This is connected to the Registration Module.
  8. Decide whether upper and lower case letters should be taken into account when checking the answer.

test additional information

Adding Questions to the Test:

  1. Click on the test you want to create questions for.
  2. Click on the General Card.
  3. Click Edit questions.

adding questions to the test

When you have done that that the following will appear:

how to create test questions

From here we can add text, videos, files and create questions about them.

Block of text:

Here we can add text that will appear in the test:

  1. Add your text.
  2. Click Save.

Block of text

Question Types:

There are 5 types of questions that can be created when you click on the “Add question” button, we will look at each type below:

possible question types

  • Single Choice – only one correct answer is possible.
  1. Add the question.
  2. Click to Add an answer.
  3. Mark the correct answer.
  4. Save.

single choice question

  • Multiple Choice – more than one answer is possible.
  1. Add the question.
  2. Click to Add an answer.
  3. Mark the correct answer
  4. Save.

multiple choice question


This type of question gives the student a place to enter text.

  1. Put question.
  2. Enter the maximum number of points for the question. This will be used by the teacher marking the test.
  3. Click Save

open question

With ability to fill gaps:

There are two types of tests that can be created here:

  1. Write the question.
  2. Highlight the word.
  3. Click Mark expression:

mark expression test

This is what the student will see when they take the test and the student can type in the missing word:

Gap fill

The second is as follows:

  1. Write the question.
  2. Tick Choice of words from list.
  3. Highlight a word.
  4. Click Mark expression.  Repeat for each word:

select from list test

This is what the student will see when they take the test and the student can select the words from the drop-down menu:drop down test

With predefined answers:

In the first step:

  1. Write the question.
  2. Highlight the word.
  3. Click Mark expression:

predefined test

The highlighted word will change as follows:

predefined test part 2

Click the plus sign to add other options and remember to mark one as the correct answer:

predefined test options

You can change the order of questions by dragging and dropping using the icon in the top left-hand corner of each question.

The Test Card

After you have created your test there are a number of things you can do depending on the tab you are using.

General Tab:

  1. Edit questions – this will change, delete or add questions.
  2. Student view – here you can see the test as a student does.
  3. Icons – Edit the test details, Make a duplicate of the test and Delete the test

general tab

Shares Tab:

  1. Share – If you click shares, a list of all your groups will appear. If you select a group, the test will be placed in each students’ Study Drive. If you select a lesson of the group, the test will be placed in each students’ Study Drive and attached to the chosen date’s lesson.
  2. Forward to teachers – this will place the test in the chosen teacher’s Study Drive. They will be able to edit it and share it with the students in their groups.
  3. Select teacher  – here you can chose a teacher responsible for checking the completed tests. This will place the test in the chosen teachers’ Study Drive.
  4. Shares – If you expand this, it will show the groups that have been sent this test and the lesson date if applicable.

shares tab

Scores Tab:

This shows the results of all students who have taken the test:

shares tab