30 Dec 2018 How can I create a report on students in debt?In the Reports Module you can check whether students are in arrears with payments and you can create a student debt report. How to generate a student debt report: Go to… Karol Wojtyła
27 Dec 2018 How to issue a pro forma invoice and convert it to an invoice?Creating pro forma documents is an additional way to confirm a transaction. Before you can issue a pro forma you will need to have entered the numbering format for this type of document.… Karol Wojtyła
27 Dec 2018 Student settlement – An OverviewAssigning a Settlement Type: When you create a group you must select a settlement type to apply by default to all students: Settlement Types: You can choose from 3 settlement… Karol Wojtyła
24 Dec 2018 How to create a report of teachers’ workload?The report on the workload of teachers allows you to see the number of classes or hours taught by teachers in a given period of time. This is a list… Karol Wojtyła
24 Dec 2018 How can I create teachers’ payrolls?In order for the report to contain all the necessary information, you must have first entered the "Settlement Details" on the teacher's card and the teachers' payments have been created for… Karol Wojtyła
19 Dec 2018 How can I give access details to a student?When you add a student to the system, they are automatically assigned a login and password to the Academic Module. There are a number of ways to provide these details… Karol Wojtyła
18 Dec 2018 How do I substitute a teacher and show it in the system?Teacher Substitutions: Sometimes a situation arises where you need to substitute a teacher. How do I show a lesson has had a substitute teacher? First of all, you need to… Karol Wojtyła
17 Dec 2018 How can I check the number of cancelled classes?To create a summary of how many times a particular class status has been used during the course. Go to Reports Module. Click Select Report. From the drop-down menu that appears,… Karol Wojtyła
17 Dec 2018 How do I cancel all classes on a particular day?First Select the lessons: If you need to cancel all classes in the school on a particular day, you can do this in School Admin. Go to Calendar then Rooms/Teachers/Groups.… Karol Wojtyła
12 Dec 2018 MessagesSystem Messages SchoolMate has an internal messaging system where you can send and receive messages to and from School Administrators, your teachers and students and their parents in the groups… Karol Wojtyła