20 May 2018 ClassesThe Classes menu item gives an in depth look at your classes: Classes Details: Click "Classes" on menu and "Classes details" from the drop-down. Select the group you want. Select… Karol Wojtyła
20 May 2018 AttendanceIn Attendance you can add details for a single day or a range of dates: You do not need to mark individual students as present but only the absences. The… Karol Wojtyła
20 May 2018 Study DriveThe Study Drive allows you to upload your educational files and create tests for sharing with groups and students. Your School Administrators can also share their files and tests with… Karol Wojtyła
20 May 2018 ResourcesItems: If your school has the Resources Module switched on, you will be able to see the teaching materials available for you to reserve and borrow. If you click on… Karol Wojtyła
20 May 2018 SettlementsIf your school is using SchoolMate to calculate teachers' pay, you can see your pay details in Settlements in the Menu. Some schools want teachers to put in attendance and… Karol Wojtyła
19 May 2018 Teaching an On-line LessonSchoolMate has integrated with an on-line lesson platform called LearnCube. Lessons which are created as online lessons will take you to the LearnCube virtual classroom. Your students will be sent an… Karol Wojtyła
18 May 2018 SettingsThe Resources Module allows to list your teaching materials and be able to lend them to teachers and students. To do this first we need to fill in the Settings.… Karol Wojtyła
27 Apr 2018 CRM Module – PeopleThe CRM module is designed to let you record and plan your contacts with your students, parents, company contacts and potential students. There are two main sections in the menu:… Karol Wojtyła
29 Mar 2018 CRM Module – CalendarSchool Admin users can add tasks for themselves or other School Admin users to do to a students card: These can be seen listed in CRM - Tasks: The CRM… John O'Keefe
19 Feb 2018 Lending a Resource ItemThere are basically two ways in which a resource item can be lent to a student or teacher: firstly, where the item is reserved through SchoolMate and then collected, or… Karol Wojtyła