09 Jun 2018 The Group Card – StudentsAssigning Students - Basic Version: Now that a group has been created, we can add students to it. To place students in a group click "Assign Students": And a list… Karol Wojtyła
09 Jun 2018 The Group Card – Classes GeneratorIn Classes Generator we put in the teachers, classrooms, days and time of the lessons. Click "Add lessons": and the following will appear: Copy settings from: Once you have created your… Karol Wojtyła
09 Jun 2018 The Group Card – LessonsLessons are created after the information about the number and start date etc., have been entered on the group card, teacher and room selected and Generate Lessons has been clicked.… Karol Wojtyła
09 Jun 2018 The Group Card – CalendarThe calendar displays all the lessons for the group: Move the dates displayed forward or backwards by a week. Change the left side scale of the calendar. Lessons can be… Karol Wojtyła
09 Jun 2018 The Group Card – ConflictsConflicts in Groups A conflict is when a group, teacher or classroom is double booked. To avoid this you can check availability when creating lessons. Obviously, conflicts can still arise… Karol Wojtyła
09 Jun 2018 The Group Card – AttendanceThe Attendance Card - How to Add Attendance. Attendance that is entered by the teacher for the group when they log in will show here. An administrator can also add… Karol Wojtyła
09 Jun 2018 The Group Card – Mark Group SchemesMark group schemes is a way to record students' marks in tests. You can record an overall result or marks for individual subject: grammar, listening etc., and then the overall… Karol Wojtyła
09 Jun 2018 ArchivingWhat is Archiving? When students, teachers and groups have left or finished and are no longer active in your school, you can move them into the archive section in your… Karol Wojtyła
08 Jun 2018 How to Create a Company GroupThis is very similar to adding a public group, but some special points are: Group Type - Select Companies classes. Select the Settlement Type - whatever you choose: hourly or for… Karol Wojtyła
07 Jun 2018 How to Add Lessons to a GroupNow that we have created a group and added students, we need to add the information about the lessons. Classes Generator: First we add the information about days, times etc.,… Karol Wojtyła